Changing your life with Jelly Beans!

Jelly Bean Goals Peter Ngo - Propertunities

What is the secret to achieving your goals?

Did you know that simply writing down your goals will increase your chances of achieving them? Turning an intangible thought into something physical does wonders with your mind and synchronicity!

Writing List Peter Ngo Propertunities
Step one is to just write them down…

Beyond that, there are different techniques on how to effectively organise and see your goals to make them even easier to achieve.

How about the 100 goals exercise?

Sounds crazy?! It’s not that difficult really as it’s a systematic process over a number of sessions.

At a very high-level, the process is:

  • Use a spreadsheet and create 5-7 headings based around the Life Balance Wheel – suggestions include: career, finance, giving, fun, relationship, spiritual
  • Clear your head – try to get into your heart space (eg go for a walk in nature and switch off from your responsibilities)
  • List as many life goals as possible
    • Spend about half an hour on this and dig deep
    • All the things you want to learn, travel, do, etc
    • Place each under one of the appropriate category
    • Try to list 100 goals, however it’s perfectly okay if you write down 30, 20….
      I recommend reviewing your list every few months so you can add more then!
  • Pick the most important goal under each heading – move it to the top of the list and highlight it Yellow.
  • Create SMART actions under the important / high priority goals. Try to find ways to create actions that link multiple goals.
  • Review your spreadsheet regularly and colour code the cells – e.g. Orange (in progress) and Green (done!!)

Through this exercise, you’ll hopefully feel more motivated to move forward on your journey of a search for your purpose through your passions…

By the way, it’s totally okay if you don’t have a big purpose!

Your goals are personal to you, they don’t have to be the same as your peers or align with what others expect of you.

House_in_the_woods Peter Ngo Propertunities
Do you want to live here?

Have you thought about everything you’d like to do in LIFE? How LONG do you have?

Do you want to be like many of our clients and friends who have achieved goals they never thought were possible?

How much time have you already spent worrying, instead of doing what you really want to do?

But what about the jelly beans? Watch this video for some insights: